We are nearing the end to another work week and another Quote of the Day. Have you ever noticed that if for one reason or another your day starts and you are in a rush for work or an appointment how the remainder of the day just never feels comfortable. You are behind, you are hurried, you just don’t feel at ease. Then you have days where you wake up early and exceptionally rested and you can take your time to get ready and get out the door and you catch all the green lights and the whole days seems to just flow along, even when that day might be even busier than normal. The way we set out for the day helps inform so much about how the rest of the day will go. Something that I work to build is the idea that my emotions are not reactions. I spent a large portion of my life believing that my emotions were a result of what is happening or going on around me. I’ve come to understand that is not completely the case. The things that happen to us can make it easier to bend one way or another but how we feel about the day, how we choose to see those situations and things is a choice. If I take a picture of a forest path with no filters and then before I show you that picture I adjust the contrast and darken it up and increase the shadows when you see that picture it will likely look spooky, haunting, unsafe or any number of generally negative feelings. However, if I take that same picture and I pump up the brightness and make it appear extra sunny and bright then when you see that same image you will likely have a vastly different reaction to it. The facts of the picture before you haven’t changed but your perception of them informs your feelings about it. If we can have such a powerful reaction to a picture is it so far fetched to believe that how we approach our days would have any less affect on us? If the choice is mine why would I not want to see the sun shine as often as possible. Life will come at us from every direction at any moment. There are so many dark and difficult things that can happen to us completely independent of our control so why spend any more time than necessary focusing on the dark. I heard a saying in one of my meetings that hit home on this concept, “A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can’t go anywhere until you change it.” This statement helped solidify this concept for me. I began to understand the power inside me to help shape my good and bad days. When I focus on all the blessings that have been bestowed on my life instead of all the struggles and things that I want to yet make better I began to separate my view of my week from my results for the week. The two were no longer tied together and happier people make healthier choices so when my focus shifted and I began to choose to see my path as more good days and good weeks it became easier to make the choices necessary to improving the things I was struggling with. Like most things worth it, it hasn’t been quick or easy and it takes constant effort to maintain but it has made all the difference. For those looking for a way to start to develop this mentality. Try this, each morning either before your feet hit the floor or as you are getting ready for the day focus on listing three separate things you are happy and grateful for. You can choose to be as specific or as general as suits you, but this simple exercise is how I began to focus my thoughts on the blessings and not the worries. The worries are still there but I have been better able to maintain perspective by choosing to think of the positive things first. Take the opportunity of today to see the sunshine and not only the gloomy skies. Because like Annie says, “Tomorrow is only a day away.” Have a blessed day, y’all! Stay safe, stay warm and enjoy another beautiful day.