Another morning and another Quote of the Day. Fear of change doesn’t seem to make sense when we think about it logically. I mean, I only work to change things I am unhappy or unsatisfied with. If I don’t like the status quo then it seems illogical to fear what might come from changing that. Yet, that is exactly what happens far too often. I find myself discontent with where I currently stand so I have a desire to change that circumstance. Yet there is so much apprehension and worry about adjusting that behavior. When I first began I had a pretty significant daily pop habit. I knew it was bad for me and I know all the poor health consequences that stem from drinking it. But I couldn’t just give it up. I had to ease myself into it. From at least 2 liters of Coca Cola a day the idea of going through a day without pop felt disconcerting. I didn’t think I could do a day without it. I had to start small, very small. I first began by switching from buying 1 liter bottles to buying 20 oz bottles. After several weeks of acclimating to that new reality I switched to the smaller bottles. Again after several weeks of acclimating to this reality I switched to the Coke Zero. Now the idea of going a day or even days without a soda is something that happens without conscious thought or effort. I am extremely blessed that I was lead to that path initially for it has made all the difference in my journey. This rule that I wasn’t going to give up my Coca Cola was just a habit that I had become so accustomed to that being without felt uncertain. By slowly changing my habit I was able to affect that change without major resistance. It helped me to identify that change could happen for me I just needed to find repeatable steps that made sense for me. Maybe you are the same way and need small steps spread out over time. Maybe you are the type that has to go all-or-nothing to make it successful. The point isn’t about doing it just like I did. The point is about identifying for yourself the path of least resistance. Take the opportunity today to adjust old habits to help take you to a new, better destination. It won’t be easy, especially at first, but you are worth it. You got this! Have a blessed day, y’all! Stay safe, stay dry and enjoy another beautiful day.