Another day and another Quote of the Day. It is so easy to see someone succeed at something I desire to accomplish and immediately think to myself that I wish I could do that, they are so lucky to have succeeded. What I catch myself focusing on is that snapshot in time where I see the result of all the time, dedication, effort, sacrifice and preparation they have put in to be in that moment. I try to retrain my initial response so that instead of thinking of luck try to think of what routines or habits they have developed that lead them to the success I’m seeing. It’s rarely easy but it always seems worth it. It helps to show me options for how to approach an issue or a stumbling block. When I remove the word luck from my view of it things change. I remove the element that leaves me an escape clause. See, what I have found in my journey is that when I see someone succeed where I haven’t and I blame it on luck it lets me off the hook from trying to emulate their amount of effort and dedication so I can succeed as well. It lets me blame it on something beyond my control and removes my personal responsibility for the actions that have left me short of where I want to be. Facing that responsibility isn’t easy and at times it feels harsh to hold that mirror up. When I realize that I have the biggest role in succeeding or not accomplishing what I want it lead to anger and frustration. So, I also have to remember that they are not my opponent. My only opponent is who I was yesterday. Their success is not a zero-sum thing. I can take ownership of my actions, I can work hard and apply myself and I can get there as well. I’m not on their path, I’m not on their timeline. I’m not their opponent. In the end what I have come to understand is that the luck I have is the luck I create. Take the opportunity today to make sure you are making the luck you want. Have a blessed day, y’all! Stay safe, stay dry and enjoy another beautiful day.