We are at the end of another work week and another Quote of the Day. It is easy to get caught in all the things that happen to us in life and forget that we have an active part in it. Life is a lot like communication in that way. See, for good communication we don’t just have to account for the words we choose to use but also for the way those words are interpreted by our audience. Their mood, their personal history, their frame of reference all affects how our words reach them. Life is only part of what happens to us. The larger portion of life is about how we choose to let those experiences and events affect us. That can be a tough pill to swallow at times. This idea that good or bad may happen but my reaction can help dictate how I choose to assimilate that lesson, that experience, that blessing into my life moving forward. This is made all the harder when negative things happen. It can be difficult to let them go, to see them as a lesson and not drag them with us moving forward. As people around me are familiar, I love the show “Arrow.” I’m a huge comic book fan in general. There is a line used by the title character at one point in the show. Another character, a friend is trying to urge a change in behavior to the title character Oliver Queen. He says to him that secrets have wait and can weigh you down. At this point Oliver looks to his friend and says, “You’ve seen how hard I work out.” That sounds very macho on TV but it is not the best, healthiest way to live. Take those experiences, learn from them, grow from them react to them but don’t let them be an anchor that weighs down your progress. Have a blessed day, y’all! Stay safe, stay dry, enjoy another beautiful day and have an amazing weekend.