We are at the end of another work week and another Quote of the Day. Something that has been both interesting to learn and difficult to account for is the dichotomy of my own nature. I prefer to go all in. A perfect example comes when I wanted to try and develop my exercise habits. I did a lot of looking at what types of workouts would be of interest to me. I looked into workouts that I thought I could handle at my current fitness level and at the level I wanted to achieve. I went through and created a list of all the equipment I would need along the way. I let it discourage me because I couldn’t afford all of the things I felt I needed to have to begin. Where the dichotomy comes in is that I don’t perform well making all-or-nothing types changes. I have to build a habit slowly over time using small, specific, gradual steps. These 2 sides of me are often at odds. The side that wants to go full-tilt and have no half-measures is a mental aspect of how I approach things. The slow, methodical, gradual approach to achieving things is my best course for long-term success. What has helped me navigate these waters is a single word… Tomorrow. It has helped me to understand that it is OK to want all the toys with all the bells and whistles that go with them. But instead of putting things off until I can do it all, I just need to start where I am, with what I have doing what I can right now. These process has helped me develop a habit of goal setting. I have these grand ideas and goals, but I have also developed skills that allow me to break them down into smaller pieces that build and grow off of each other. I now can look at a mountain and instead of getting overwhelmed by the scale and scope of the thing. I can break it into stages, steps and phases. I can create smaller milestones and build habits and routines that help me change where I am now into one step at a time slowly guiding me towards that lofty idea I started with. This process has become so entrenched in how I approach things that now I almost instinctively start by breaking things up into smaller, more immediately manageable pieces. It’s funny because growing up I have always loved Legos and building blocks and creating massive, grand structures by putting one block on the other. It also has helped me to see that so many habits, routines, ideas and methodologies are like muscles. They get better, more effective, more efficient from use. So much of my journey has become about so much more than the narrow focus I began with. So many of the lessons learned on my path haven’t been solely useful for a healthier lifestyle. They have been used to great a better lifestyle where health and well-being are one aspect. Take the opportunity today to take a bite out of that mountain you’ve been staring at. The only way you will ever get over it is if you get started…. Do what you can, where you are with what you have. You got this! Have a blessed day, y’all! Stay safe, stay dry, enjoy another beautiful day and have a fantastic weekend.