Quote of the Day 05/10/2019

Here we are at the end of another work week and another Quote of the Day. We are all faced with adversity at different times. It is in the heat of that challenge that we are faced with a moment of decision. We can succumb to the weight of it and stay in a place where we don’t want to be where we are unhappy, hurting, and overwhelmed. Or, we can choose to use the heat of that moment as a catalyst to spur us on to change, grow, adapt and move forward. We rarely get to choose when that moment happens, what brings it about, or how intense that moment will feel. All we are left with to control is our reaction to it. Like so many things in our lives. Most of the situation is beyond our control. We can let that sweep us away in a tide of momentum or we can take a deep breath, plant out feet, square our shoulders and face the coming wave and choose to step forward anyway. I spent so much time before and even at the beginning of my journey looking for ways to minimize my exposure to this moment. I didn’t feel like I had it in me to make the changes I was desperately seeking. I felt small and unprepared for the road that was out before me. I will forever be grateful for those blessed few who helped encourage me to step out on the path. What I didn’t know at the time is that was one of my moments. That’s usually the way that happens. It’s not until after the time has passed that we can see it for what it was.. A turning point. I have had many of them to this point in my journey. Some I’ve passed, some I’ve had to face time and again until I could make the choice to change and grow from it. With each battle I become more aware of where those moments exist. I have also started to believe that there is no perfect moment or ideal occurrence of time, desire, opportunity and motivation. What makes the moment ideal is the beginning not the other way around. If I had not stepped out when I did I might still be back at the beginning waiting for my perfect moment to start. Don’t wait.. You and your future are worth the effort now. The road before you wont’ be easy, but you are the hero of your story. You are so much stronger than you believe. I have faith in you. Start today. Find the opportunity in your difficulty. You got this! Have a blessed day, y’all! Stay safe, stay dry, enjoy another beautiful day and have a fantastic weekend. To all the mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity